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About Big B

About Big B:

Big B Personal and Workplace Solutions

The world of work is in a constant state of change and evolution. The COVID era has delivered the greatest disruption to how work is perceived, how and where it is performed and how we interact with the working environment in general since the industrial revolution. Do we live to work, or work to live?

Influenced by such thinkers as Viktor Frankl, Stephen Covey, Andrew Hopkins, Sidney Dekker, David Rock and others, including the Trade Union Movement, by experiencing the challenges, achievements, obstacles, lows and highs of employees, employers, health and safety representatives, safety managers and other safety stakeholders in the workplace, Big B Personal and Workplace Solutions was founded by Brian Martin in 2007.

Big B was founded as a vehicle to contribute from a solutions perspective to the common wealth for the common good. Big B was founded to improve the lives of people by making workplaces safer, empower individuals to become their best self, to collectively leave the world in a better state than we found it.


Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions - Big B Ballarat

Our vision:

No workplace deaths or injuries ever. To live our lives to the full, to dream, act and flourish in all our unique potential.

We believe every person must be able to speak up, be heard, and contribute fully to a healthy and safe workplace through positive actions rather than minimal compliance with legal standards.

We believe health and safety is about bosses consulting with workers to discover things in the workplace which may cause harm and to eliminate or control those hazards before anyone gets hurt.

We believe consultation is the essential ingredient that holds a safe workplace together and the energy that drives continual improvement and action to constantly embed a culture of prevention.

Our vision means workplace leaders especially, will create and maintain healthy and safe working environments by:

B Coached - Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions - Big B Ballarat

We believe health and safety representatives make a very significant difference to safety outcomes in workplaces, particularly in those workplaces where managers and supervisors are also trained.


Where are we?

We are a fully COVID-19 vaccinated business, based in Ballarat, Victoria. and we travel to you. Regardless of your location, we travel to you and deliver face to face training in a region close to you or, even at your worksite. Wherever in regional or metropolitan Victoria you are located, from the north-east border region of Wodonga, the Goulburn Valley and River Land, the north-west of Mildura, the Mallee, the Wimmera or the south-west of Portland, Warrnambool or Geelong region, Gippsland, Latrobe Valley or Bairnsdale and Mallacoota - we will bring face-to-face training opportunities and support to you, to benefit the health and safety representatives, managers, supervisors and safety stakeholders in your area.

For a no obligation discussion with BIG B about your OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY, TRAINING or COACHING needs, contact the OHS Training Administrator at or telephone the office on 03 5303 0678 or mobile 0400 939 800.  


How we meet your needs:

B safe

When it comes to safety at work, do you know what is working well, and where the opportunities for improvement are?

How confident are you that you have created and are maintaining a working environment where the risk of injury is minimised?

click here to discover how we can assist you. 


B trained

We are a WorkSafe Victoria Approved Provider of Health and Safety Representatives Training. We are approved by WorkSafe Victoria to deliver the following WorkSafe Victoria approved courses.

If you are economically or socially disadvantaged, if you want to get some training that may help you get a job, improve your life situation, improve your ability to participate in and contribute your community, talk to us. We offer 2 complimentary registrations on all our courses,

click here to discover how we can assist you.

HSR Initial OHS Training Course

WorkSafe Approved Training Course - Big B Ballarat

This course has been developed specifically for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Deputy HSRs (DHSRs) and is of 5 days duration, delivered face to face as a block of 3 days and 2 days over two to three weeks, or, as a series of 5 single days over a five-week period.

Click here for more information.

HSR Refresher OHS Training Courses

WorkSafe Approved Training Course - Big B Ballarat

These courses have been developed specifically for HSRs and DHSRs to refresh their knowledge and skills after participating in an HSR Initial OHS Training Course.

We offer three themes to choose from – Work-Related Stress, Work-Related Violence or Plant and are seeking approval to deliver the Work-related gendered violence including sexual harassment course.

Click here for more information and to make a booking.

Health and Safety Training for Managers and Supervisors

Although employers have the primary duty to provide and maintain a safe workplace, it is workplace leaders like managers and supervisors who have the day-to-day operational responsibilities and have a critical role to play in implementing the OHS decisions of their employer.

Click here  for more information and to make a booking.

→ Big B Safety Sessions

These sessions are seventy-five to ninety minutes in duration, typically delivered as webinars to a wide audience.

They can also be tailored and delivered to individual workplaces or any size group.

Click here for more information about our webinars or to make a booking.

B Safe - Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions

B Trained - Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions



B coached

Whether you are a workplace leader, a health and safety representative, or an individual wanting to be the best you can be, when you engage us as your Coach you won’t get therapy, mentoring, training, consulting, nagging or a predetermined agenda.

Instead, you’ll be challenged to think differently, you’ll be stretched and at times you’ll perhaps feel a little uncomfortable. You’ll close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. You’ll be supported to tap your energy, establish your goals, actions and strategies to get more of what you want more often.

Click here for more information or to book a complimentary introductory session.


B connected

The Big B Safety Network is a great way to stay connected to ongoing professional learning, updates, webinars and Big B events. Our webinar series is presented quarterly and is complimentary to network members or anyone who has participated in any of our safety courses or coaching sessions.

Click here for more information and how to join.


Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions - Big B Ballarat

B Connected.

The Big B Safety Network is a great way to stay connected to ongoing professional learning, updates, webinars and Big B safety events. Our webinar series is presented quarterly and is complimentary to network members.

See Our 2024 Courses ....

Click Here

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And keep us with all the news on minimising the risk of workplace injuries!

B Safe, B Trained, Be Coached...


What People Say

Health and Safety Courses

The delivery of information was flexible and fluent, Brian has great knowledge I have learnt a lot.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

Our trainer made the topic enjoyable, engaging and relaxing. I liked learning about the ACE model of communication.

Brian has excellent knowledge and worked to identify participants personalities and strengths.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

It was great, when I get back to work I’ll put into practice what I’ve learnt about safety in general, especially the safety of powered machines.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat



Brian helped me to expand my thinking and to look at my life as a whole.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

I enjoyed the discussion about risk, hazard identification and consultation.

My learning was motivated by the way Brian guided us through learner questions and how we applied these to scenarios to our workplaces.

Avatar Placeholder



When we started, I wanted to figure out nothing less than my purpose in life. What I got was unexpected, at times difficult and absolutely delightful.

Avatar Placeholder
