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B Trained

B Trained

Our Beliefs:

We believe that healthy and safe working environments are best achieved when workplace leaders:

  • B- know and understand their duties
  • B- are prepared to be held accountable
  • B- are committed to continual improvement
  • B- consult often with employees about health and safety
  • B- support the work of health and safety representatives
  • B- embed a culture of injury prevention.
B Safe - Big B Personal + Workplace Solutions

We believe elected health and safety representatives make a very significant difference in helping to achieve better health and safety outcomes in workplaces, particularly in those workplaces where managers and supervisors are also trained. This is because health and safety representatives provide employees with a pathway to have their views and concerns about health and safety heard by the employer.

We believe health and safety is about bosses consulting with workers and working collaboratively to foster openness and trust.

We believe working environments characterised by openness and trust are safer because workplace parties are more likely to give the commitment needed to ensure hazards are identified and risk controls are effectively implemented.

B Connected.

The Big B Safety Network is a great way to stay connected to ongoing professional learning, updates, webinars and Big B safety events. Our webinar series is presented quarterly and is complimentary to network members.

See Our 2024 Courses ....

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B Safe, B Trained, Be Coached...


What People Say

Health and Safety Courses

The delivery of information was flexible and fluent, Brian has great knowledge I have learnt a lot.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

Our trainer made the topic enjoyable, engaging and relaxing. I liked learning about the ACE model of communication.

Brian has excellent knowledge and worked to identify participants personalities and strengths.

Avatar Placeholder



Brian helped me to expand my thinking and to look at my life as a whole.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

It was great, when I get back to work I’ll put into practice what I’ve learnt about safety in general, especially the safety of powered machines.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat


Health and Safety Courses

I learnt a lot about duty holders and the powers of health and safety reps, it was great fun.

Avatar Placeholder



When we started, I wanted to figure out nothing less than my purpose in life. What I got was unexpected, at times difficult and absolutely delightful.

Avatar Placeholder
