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By being a member of our B Connected Safety Network, you’ll receive regular updates and complimentary invitations to our Safety Sessions.

B Connected Safety Network

At Big B we believe providing and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment is a journey of engagement, awareness, responsibility and accountability, underpinned by commitment to continual learning and improvement of safety skills, knowledge and experience.

At Big B we are committed to supporting your continual learning through our Safety Sessions series. Participation in any of our Safety Sessions is complimentary to network members. Health and safety representatives, deputy health and safety representatives, health and safety committee members, workplace leaders, supervisors or managers and workers who have completed or booked and paid for any of our training courses in each calendar year are rewarded with complimentary membership of our B Connected Safety Network for that particular calendar year.

By being a member of our B Connected Safety Network, you’ll receive regular updates and complimentary invitations to our Safety Sessions. The Safety Sessions series is presented quarterly with the first for 2023 on Thursday 16 March. All webinars are presented from 4.30pm to 5.45pm.

Don’t delay, join today!

Book and pay for any of our OHS Training Courses and receive complimentary network membership with access to all Big B Safety Sessions. 

Course Registration

* Complimentry for B Connect Safety Network
Date Location Delivery Method
& Duration
Course Fee
AvailableMembership12 Months
Big B Network
$70Register Now


For all enquiries contact our Administrator by telephone on 03 5303 0678; mobile 0400 939 800 or email to

Have one of our team call you!

How We Meet Your Needs

B Safe - Big B Ballarat

B - Big B Ballarat Safe

When it comes to safety at work, do you know what is working well, and where the opportunities for improvement are?

How confident are you to create and maintain a working environment where the risk of injury is minimised?

Click learn more below to discover how we can assist..

B Trained - Big B Ballarat

B - Big B Ballarat Trained

We believe elected health and safety representatives make a very significant difference in helping to achieve better health and safety outcomes in workplaces, particularly in those workplaces where managers and supervisors are also trained.

This is because health and safety representatives provide employees with a pathway to have their views and concerns about health and safety heard by the employer.

B Coached - Big B Ballarat

B - Big B Ballarat Coached

Whether you are a workplace leader, a health and safety representative, or an individual wanting to be the best you can be, when you engage us as your Coach you won't get therapy, mentoring, training, consulting, nagging or a predetermined agenda from us.

Instead, you'll be challenged to think differently. You'll close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

B Connected.

The Big B Safety Network is a great way to stay connected to ongoing professional learning, updates, webinars and Big B safety events. Our webinar series is presented quarterly and is complimentary to network members.

See Our 2024 Courses ....

Click Here

New Work Health and Safety Strategy for Australia 2023 – 2033
New Work Health and Safety Strategy for Australia 2023 – 2033
Big B
Apr 03, 2023

Safe Work Australia has recently released the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023 – 2033. The Strategy is endorsed by all State and Territory Governments.

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Is this the next Pandemic already in the making?
Is this the next Pandemic already in the making?
Big B
Mar 14, 2023

What’s News, February 2023
Is this the next Pandemic already in the making? How much of a risk is there of the H5N1 Avia Flu (Bird Flu) virus triggering a human pandemic?

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Healthy environments begin at home
Healthy environments begin at home
Big B
Feb 27, 2023

The manufacture, distribution, transportation, storage and disposal of the tonnes of waste associated with the chemicals we use largely goes unnoticed by most of society, that is until something goes wrong, like it did three weeks ago in East Palestine, Ohio.

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What's the real cost of air pollution?
What's the real cost of air pollution?
Big B
Feb 01, 2023

An Expert Position Statement released by the Melbourne Futures Centre and endorsed by the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance consisting of The Heart Foundation, Cancer Council of Australia, Kidney Health Australia, Diabetes Australia,

Read More »


What People Say


It is true to say that before commencing my coaching program with Big B, I was in a rut.

Avatar Placeholder



Brian helped me to expand my thinking and to look at my life as a whole.

Avatar Placeholder



I highly recommend coaching to anyone who wants to be energised, revitalised and just plain happier. Brian is fantastic. Thank you so much.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat



The series wasn’t what I was expecting, but it definitely delivered what I needed. Brian did not bring his agenda along at all, all the twists and changes came from me, but he made it possible.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat


Health and Safety Courses

It was great, when I get back to work I’ll put into practice what I’ve learnt about safety in general, especially the safety of powered machines.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat


Health and Safety Courses

Our trainer made the topic enjoyable, engaging and relaxing. I liked learning about the ACE model of communication.

Brian has excellent knowledge and worked to identify participants personalities and strengths.

Avatar Placeholder


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