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Big B Training Course

Taking Care of Safety

Big B Training Course Logo

Essential Health and Safety Knowledge for Managers, Supervisors and Workplace Leaders

2 days face-to-face classroom delivery

Who is the course for?

The course consists of 14 hours of in class learning. It is designed specifically for managers, supervisors, workplace leaders, members of health and safety committees or individuals with specific safety responsibilities.

Although employers have the duty to provide and maintain a safe workplace, its workplace leaders like managers and supervisors who have the day-to-day operational responsibilities and have a critical role to play in implementing the OHS decisions of their employer.

Managers and supervisors will often be the first point of contact that HSRs or health and safety committee members will speak with about a health and safety matter in the workplace.

Course aims:

This course aims to support participants to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence to:

  • understand the underlying principles of health and safety, including ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’.
  • identify key parties and their legislative obligations and duties
  • understand the role and powers of elected health and safety representatives, why they are important and how they contribute to a healthy and safe working environment
  • understanding the role and powers of Authorised Representatives of Registered Employee Organisations (ARREOs)
  • understand the role and powers of WorkSafe Victoria inspectors
  • understand the consultation and issue resolution processes contained in the OHS Act and OHS Regulations; including health and safety committees, provisional improvement notices (PIN) and directions to cease work.
  • apply a risk management approach to hazard control
  • identify workplace hazards and conduct workplace inspections
  • understand the theory of multiple causation of incidents and the basic steps of incident investigation
  • understand key elements of the accident compensation legislation framework including what happens when an employee is injured at work.

Course Dates

Registration is essential. Please choose the course date you wish to attend and complete the course registration form to reserve your place. Registrations are not confirmed until full payment for your course has been received by Big B Personal and Workplace Solutions. Once full payment has been received you will receive a course attendance confirmation email containing your online course link and tax invoice.  Registrations are limited to 20 participants per course.

Course Registration

Date Location Delivery Method
& Duration
Course Fee

Course Documents

Complete Your Course Registration Here

Registration must be received at least 14 days prior to the commencement of the first day of your chosen course. Click on the link above to download and complete your course registration form, email the completed form to 

When your booking is received, the OHS Training Administrator will contact you to confirm payment of the course fee to secure your place.

Course Cost:  $500

Bookings and payment at least 14 days prior to course commencing and pay only $500-720


To make any enquiry about Occupational Health and Safety Training contact the OHS Training Administrator by telephone on 03 5303 0678; mobile 0400 939 800 or email to

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What People Say

Health and Safety Courses

The delivery of information was flexible and fluent, Brian has great knowledge I have learnt a lot.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

I enjoyed the discussion about risk, hazard identification and consultation.

My learning was motivated by the way Brian guided us through learner questions and how we applied these to scenarios to our workplaces.

Avatar Placeholder


Health and Safety Courses

It was great, when I get back to work I’ll put into practice what I’ve learnt about safety in general, especially the safety of powered machines.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat


Health and Safety Courses

I learnt a lot about duty holders and the powers of health and safety reps, it was great fun.

Avatar Placeholder



The series wasn’t what I was expecting, but it definitely delivered what I needed. Brian did not bring his agenda along at all, all the twists and changes came from me, but he made it possible.

Male Placeholder - Big B Ballarat


Health and Safety Courses

Our trainer made the topic enjoyable, engaging and relaxing. I liked learning about the ACE model of communication.

Brian has excellent knowledge and worked to identify participants personalities and strengths.

Avatar Placeholder
